Wednesday, March 5, 2014

3 weeks in

Yesterday marked three weeks in. My weight is now what it was when I started eating GF. I am not sure why the scale went up, but it seems to be back where it was now, thankfully. This past week has been a stressful one and I have found myself wanting more comfort foods. I am proud of myself for selecting only GF foods to eat. In fact, the only non-GF food that I have had in the past 3 weeks were those two rolls at Texas Roadhouse. I am very proud of myself! I have been missing pizza lately, but at this point I don't know that it would taste all that good to me - like those rolls didn't. Huh. Well, perhaps in the future I will try my hand at making GF pizza crust. Until then, I have been eating a lot of potatoes, taco salad, beans, doritos, oatmeal, and Choffy. I am so grateful for my Choffy! It is comforting and delicious and HEALTHY. So blessed to have it in my life. It makes eating GF much easier.

I know that I need to eat less carbs (rice and potatoes) but at this point in time, I don't want to make too many changes too fast. I am reading books and compiling recipes to try. Tonight I am making Brazilian Estroganof. It is quite good and makes excellent leftovers. Onward and upward!

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